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October 31, 2018
Dr Greenstuff
Early Access
Medical Sim
Open World
Resource Management
About the game
Discover the life of Dr. Greenstuff, one of the greatest scientist specializing in drugs. In this game you will be taken to grow all the plants called "prohibited" such as cannabis, coka etc ... In order to set up your business.

* Sandbox
* Open world
* Realistic plants.
* Grow your plants where you want .
* Move and store your items as you wish.
* Decorate and arrange your own laboratory or apartment.
* Decode the recipes.
* Perform various quests.
* Improve your crops with fertilizers made by you.
* Perform quests for different NPCs.
* Sell, process or even cook your products.
* Many plants available (cannabis, coca, nettle, cacti and more ...).
* Realistic laboratory for the manufacture of meth.
* French youtubers lend their voices to the characters.
* Stay discreet and avoid the police.
* Unique and original experience.
* Become the neighborhood boss

Dr. Greenstuff: Man, white, 45 years old, of French origin. Internationally renowned thanks to his discoveries on the active principles of certain drugs and the creation of drugs derived from his research.
After obtaining the highest honors, he is spotted by the cartel that kidnaps him.
Seven years of disappearance followed during which the doc worked for the cartel. Meanwhile, investigations are being conducted and it is quickly realized that the doc had some accounts hidden in tax havens. Public opinion turns around and blames the doc for diverting money ...
Searches are quickly stopped and rumors even speak of a phony kidnapping. It is only during a seizure of drugs by the Ukrainian police that we find the doc, alone in a big meth Labs.
His trial took place and no name could be put on this alleged abductor, the years having passed, his lab was bought and another teacher was recruited.
He has no support from public opinion or his profession.
He receives a fine of € 250,000 and electronic surveillance with house arrest for 18 years .


The game takes place in 4 parts:

Prologue 1 :
Humanity manufactures herbal medicines since long time and in our time some secret Labs develop new drugs to save life.
You work in a hospital in this secret laboratory in order to create medicines.
Develop your laboratory as you wish and grow your first plants.
Watering them,watch them grow and cut them to make your first crops.
Once the bottom gathers, buy and use various instrument in order to extract the active ingredients and create new drugs.

Prologue 2 :
After obtaining great rewards through these discoveries, the Doctor's life changes when two men appear in his laboratory and kidnap him.
In this episode, you will have to put your knowledge in the service of a cartel to make cocaine.

Prologue 3 :
In a secret cartel lab, you must create the best "Meth". Decrypt the recipe, mix the ingredients and make sure to reach the profit target.

The Second Life :
In the final version, you will play the doctor 2 weeks after his trial. He is back in France. To serve his sentence, he must have found a small job to be able to live and pay his fine...
in this final version, all the prologue plants are present and others will be added . In this level you will have to link relations with the dealer of the neighborhoods in order to work with them and make evolve your business.
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Screenshot of Dr Greenstuff
Video of Dr Greenstuff
Humble Bundle Partner Humble Bundle
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Contact / Intro

To contact me or to leave feedback or suggestions for the site , please reach me at:

My name is Kolten. I have an M.S. in computer science from the Colorado School of Mines and I work as a software engineer. I love web development and I am always trying my best to improve.

I made this website from scratch and I maintain it in my free-time. I was inspired to make a powerful game search engine after becoming overwhelmed by my own Steam library, thanks to incredible bundle sites like Humble Bundle.

This site scrapes data from Steam and makes many calls to Steam's web API every single day. I do my very best to keep all of the data as up-to-date as possible with my limited resources.


This site is the result of my desire to build a powerful Steam game picker that is more than just a simple random Steam game picker / generator.

I pay for this site out of pocket and get limited support from your donations, from affiliate links (Humble Bundle), and from some light advertising (feel free to adblock me if you find it overwhelming or you find that it significantly detracts from your experience).

If you are interested in an API or viewing some of the incredibly insightful data I have collected, check out the donation page to see more details on getting access to these things. I will also make a public API once I have enough donations to support its operation, but regardless I host the DataTrends page for patrons who donate enough!


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