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82%41 Recent Reviews
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September 27, 2022
Dating Sim
Psychological Horror
Survival Horror
Mystery Dungeon
Dungeon Crawler
Immersive Sim
Puzzle Platformer
Pixel Graphics
Dark Comedy
Dark Humor
About the game
If you've found this game by chance through Steam, I advise you not to play it.
My name is Valefisk, and I'm a YouTuber. I made this game as a joke - it's not designed to be fun, but to be awful to play. And in this it succeeds.
This version that has found its way to Steam is slightly different from the one in the original video. This one is beatable.

Personally I think the way this game is best played is with you making someone else play it with no context as to what the game contains. It presents itself (successfully) as a real indie game until you really start to play it, so feel free to torture your friends with this abomination of an experience.

Enter the Crypt.

  • Retrieve the Essence and Make your Escape.
    The objective is - on the surface - simple. Steal the jar from the Crypt and then make your escape. The idea is easy, but finding all the keys wont be.
  • Solve the Puzzles.
    Can you actually solve the puzzles necessary to access the keys to escape? Sure you can. Does the game include any actual helpful information as to how to solve them? Of course not. Trust your instincts, and not your eyes.
  • Survive Him.
    You are not alone down within the Crypt. Someone or something is there with you - and it's never too far behind you.
  • Escape!
    Once you've gotten all the keys, you can finally open the door to Escape...assuming you've done everything right. I mean, I put an achievement in for winning so it's definitely possible - perhaps you've simply missed a nasty prerequisite...

Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Screenshot of Crypt
Screenshot of Crypt
Screenshot of Crypt
Screenshot of Crypt
Screenshot of Crypt
Video of Crypt
Humble Bundle Partner Humble Bundle
By clicking on any of the Humble Bundle links, you will be allowed to allocate a portion of your purchase to WhatShouldiSteam for me to keep the website running 😊

Contact / Intro

To contact me or to leave feedback or suggestions for the site , please reach me at:

My name is Kolten. I have an M.S. in computer science from the Colorado School of Mines and I work as a software engineer. I love web development and I am always trying my best to improve.

I made this website from scratch and I maintain it in my free-time. I was inspired to make a powerful game search engine after becoming overwhelmed by my own Steam library, thanks to incredible bundle sites like Humble Bundle.

This site scrapes data from Steam and makes many calls to Steam's web API every single day. I do my very best to keep all of the data as up-to-date as possible with my limited resources.


This site is the result of my desire to build a powerful Steam game picker that is more than just a simple random Steam game picker / generator.

I pay for this site out of pocket and get limited support from your donations, from affiliate links (Humble Bundle), and from some light advertising (feel free to adblock me if you find it overwhelming or you find that it significantly detracts from your experience).

If you are interested in an API or viewing some of the incredibly insightful data I have collected, check out the donation page to see more details on getting access to these things. I will also make a public API once I have enough donations to support its operation, but regardless I host the DataTrends page for patrons who donate enough!


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