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97%46 Recent Reviews
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August 3, 2023
Visual Novel
Dating Sim
Story Rich
Choices Matter
Multiple Endings
Interactive Fiction
Choose Your Own Adventure
About the game
The classic visual novel from AQUAPLUS that launched one of Japan's most beloved franchises.

WHITE ALBUM is a story of love in many forms.

Toya Fuji is an ordinary college student but for one thing:
His connection to the popular singer Yuki Morikawa.

That popular singer, you see, is his girlfriend...
and the more popular she gets, the less time
the two can spend together.
Will they stay a couple, or will their ways part?
As winter falls and the air grows colder,
the two lay down new tracks in the album of their love...

This album will be as white as snow, and as poignant.


An up-and-coming singer who made her debut just one year ago. She's been dating Toya ever since high school, and the two now attend the same college. However, her increasing popularity hasn't improved their relationship, and instead is threatening to tear them apart.

Yuki's senior coworker at the production agency they both belong to, Rina Ogata grew into stardom from a young age due to a mixture of talent and hard work... not to mention her good looks, quick thinking, smooth manners, accumulated experience, unwavering singing voice, and unbreakable spirit. These traits and more have helped make her an unstoppable force in the entertainment world—and all she had to sacrifice was any semblance of a personal life.


Strains of a song drift on the cold winter wind,
and outside a music shop, my feet come to a stop.
The cathode-ray tubes of the monitor pipe in a picture
and I stand here, on the other side, silently watching.
On my way home from classes, amid the biting chill, she holds me rapt...

It's been as ordinary as every other day of my life.
Ordinary, that is, in every way except one.
We've clung together just as always, even since her debut.
At least so far.

She leads her extraordinary life, and I live my mediocre one.
People meet, and they break up, and get all mixed up together,
but the days spin by all the same.
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
Screenshot of WHITE ALBUM
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My name is Kolten. I have an M.S. in computer science from the Colorado School of Mines and I work as a software engineer. I love web development and I am always trying my best to improve.

I made this website from scratch and I maintain it in my free-time. I was inspired to make a powerful game search engine after becoming overwhelmed by my own Steam library, thanks to incredible bundle sites like Humble Bundle.

This site scrapes data from Steam and makes many calls to Steam's web API every single day. I do my very best to keep all of the data as up-to-date as possible with my limited resources.


This site is the result of my desire to build a powerful Steam game picker that is more than just a simple random Steam game picker / generator.

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